Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Purpose of Pain- An Emotional Recovery


In my last post, The Purpose of Pain- An Emotional Reality, I shared about the reality of emotional pain. It is important to realize this reality but it is also important to realize that there is a road to recovery. I know what you're thinking, why on earth is he talking about recovery, I can deal with this reality in my own way and on my own time.

Sadly, while we may think we can overcome this reality on our own, it’s just doesn't work that way. We can hope, and even dream about finding our way back to calmer waters in life but finding our way back isn't something I want to dream about. When we try to find our way back in the midst of the storms thrust upon each of us on our own, we will only get lost in a sea of brokenness. Check out Ecclesiastes 4:10-12.

Once we slip deeper into the storm of reality around us things start to get misconstrued. We see things that we think are a reality but really they are just another illusion of the reality that we once had. There is a road to recovery though, and it’s not necessarily the road that you may think I’m talking about.

Let’s take a deeper look at the reality of emotional pain. It’s a part of life, we all have to work through it and as I said in my previous post it is NEVER easy. Emotional pain is born through loss. It is born through immense suffering and can tear a person apart from within, in many cases it does. Emotional pain is one of the hardest things to endure and I know from experience, having someone tell me to basically get over it and trust that God will help you through it, while true has never really set well with me.

When we experience loss in life, we don’t want people to tell us it’s going to get better, we just want someone to be there for us and help us along the way. Don’t tell me that God has a reason for everything. I already know that, just listen and be there for me when I need you to be, I will tell you when I’m ready to start moving on. Here is an article from Huffington Post that shares this philosophy, 5 Powerful Ways to Help Someone in Emotional Pain written by Dr. Sandra Hamilton.

I don’t know about anyone else, but anytime I’ve had to endure loss in my family or of those I love in life, I’ve always found more comfort in a simple embrace. When I lost my mother back in 2009, it wasn’t the people that said it will get better that helped me get through it, it was those that stopped what they were doing to come spend time with me or in those that came up to me and said, “I know it hurts, come here and lean on me for a moment or two.”  

Honestly, if Jesus himself came to me during a time of emotional pain, I believe his response would be very similar to that. I believe he would take me in his arms and let me sit with him a while, as that old song says. Revelations 21:4 promises this to us.

Recovery is a long road, but there are those along the way we can let be apart of it. Instead of trying to explain the reasons behind why we've all seemingly been cursed with emotional pain, we can simply just be a helping hand in times of need. Instead of trying to make everyone who endures emotional pain get over it and move on, we can simply offer an embraceable moment. Instead of leaving someone in the midst of their brokenness, we can be a part of loving them through it. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes we will need a kick in the pants, so to speak, but what matters more is the way that kick in the pants is given.

Yes, God is with us through our pain, but the way he helps us work through it is simply, something special. Let Him lead you.

Are you willing? Will you open your heart? Can you be emotional with me? Let’s accept it and embrace a better future for ourselves and everyone else.… Until next post check out these books on Working through Emotional Pain... Clicking on the covers will take you to their amazon pages...


Blessings in Christ and Thanks again for visiting us at "The Gathering Room."

"Times of refreshing come from the presence of the Lord." 45.3.20

M.J. Elliott

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