Sunday, December 23, 2012

Waves of the Heart

Hey everyone and Merry Christmas,

Life is an interesting thing isn't it and as I wrote before Gods timing is spectacular.  I firmly believe that this concept of time being in Gods hands is something God truly wants me to get a bigger grasp of. I understand it well enough but I feel he wants to take my family into an even deeper level of understanding it. I believe he wants his timing to be our lifestyle...

It is great to understand certain concepts of our faith but I think in the long run God really wants us all to embrace the concepts wholeheartedly. I believe it comes back to a devotion I wrote at some point last year regarding the Undivided heart.  I am learning that there is so much more to this life than simply living or dieing (as Steven Curtis Chapman would sing and a post for another time.)

What is an undivided heart, you may ask? Well, I believe it to be a heart that belongs solely (SOULY) to one particular thing. Life will pull our hearts one way or another and we have to have a deep enough understanding of this the what's on the surface. 

So many times we surf on the waves of life not realizing there is the danger of falling into the deeper waters. Without being properly prepared, we cannot use what is necessary to overcome what lies beneath. This is what an undivided heart brings and when Gods spectacular timing determines that its time to change something we need to be prepared. 

This is what I'm beginning to understand about Gods timing, some times the only way you can prepare is to trust SOULY in his unfailing guidance as the wave's of life knock us of the our surfboard (so to speak.) I read the following to my new born daughter this morning and it made me stop and think...


" Sometimes I grant you glimpses of your glorious future, to encourage you and to spur you on. But your main focus should be on staying in MY presence. Remember I set the pace in keeping with your needs and MY purposes." -Jesus Calling Book

What a wonderful reminder of Gods timing both Leyla and this message are for me today. It has been an amazing (and exhausting) past few days in the Elliott household.  It is such a wonderful feeling to know finally that our little Leyla is here and that she is such a healthy baby. 

God has been so good to us and while we are surfing on a whole knew wave of life, there will be times when we will get knocked of but knowing Gods timing and preparing the undivided heart through prayer, devotion and worship will always remind us of HIS unfailing guidance. Take a look at Psalm 86 when you get a chance, its a wonderful example of this.

"I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh." 26.11.19 NIV

Thanks again for visiting "The Gathering Room"

Stand Strong and continue to believe the teachings given to you

(2 Thes. 2:15b NCV),


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Winds of Change

Its interesting to think that life changes so often with out us really realizing what is happening before our eyes. One day your headed on way, the next day it's the complete opposite direction.  Many times the turns we take on this path of life are completely unpredictable, then once those turns are made we have no clue why they were made. All that we know is that they were made.

This concept is something I've been thinking a lot about in recent months with the coming of our first born any day now. It often has made me stop and think. How much will my whole perception of life change when our Leyla arrives. Sometimes  it's hard to think about what life will be like when she arrives and then other times I'm so ready I find my self asking Leyla, "when are you going to get here?" 

I started thinking about how these thoughts applied to our Walk with Christ and I believe it began leading me to an interesting revelation. It is a revelation that has found it's way into my head before, but as usual maybe God just needed to remind me of it. Sometimes he does that you know. :-)

We are called to live life in the unknown, and as the winds of change send us in a new direction in this life we must embrace the unknown fully relying on Gods guidance with each new direction that comes. It's not always easy to to this but though because human nature holds us back. The beautiful thing is though, that God has already defeated human nature in the form of Jesus.

In the End what it comes down to is this, the unknown comes, life changes, we head down another path, and while we may not understand why, all we have to do is embrace the one who already knows the outcome is beautiful. 

Acts 9 is a wonderful example of how the Winds of Change and change your whole perspective on life.

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." 21.3.11 NIV

Thanks again for visiting "The Gathering Room"

Stand Strong and continue to believe the teachings given to you

(2 Thes. 2:15b NCV),


Sunday, November 25, 2012


It's Simply amazing the things that God teaches us. He tends to use some interesting methods when it comes to teach us the lessons we need to learn. For the longest I have often wondered why he uses the methods. I've asked him several times. "Lord why does it take so much for you to get my attention sometimes, I have always believed I've been open to hearing your voice?" 

One night I was praying much like I do every night  before I "enter the rest," and I believe God showed me something. I argued with him saying "Lord, how have I ever lost sight of your voice?" Let me tell you that was the wrong thing to ask him, because wouldn't you know it, he showed me :-). The Lord discipline is interesting isn't it but that's a tale for another time :-). As humans we are very easily distracted by the things of this world that we loose sight of his voice even when we are trying to stay focused on his name. 

Recently I have been struggling with theses same thoughts, it seems as though over the past month in my devotion time, worship time, and prayer time, this same topic is showing it's self again.  I don't say this to say that I'm loosing sight of Gods voice, I say this because I feel God doesn't want me to fall into the doubt that comes with loosing sight of him.

I read something that really laid it out for me a few days ago and I believe that it is rooted in this reminder. It was similar to this...

My Child, When you stray from my path, simply whisper my name, this will restore my thoughts to the forefront of your mind, and you will know my presence again. --Adapted from The Jesus Calling Book.--

What a statement. It shares the desire of our Lords heart.  It is almost like Him saying. Come Child, speak my name, here my voice, listen to what I have for you to hear. If only we could see when we are straying a little more clearer. then we could all find our own ways to Whisper HIS name. Don't be fearful, whisper. Check out Elijah's whisper of a tale in 1st Kings 19.

"God is working with in you child, giving you the desire to be obedient and the power to do what pleases him." 50.2.13

Thanks again for visiting "The Gathering Room"
Stand Strong and continue to believe the teachings given to you
(2 Thes. 2:15b NCV),


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another Attempt

It’s been quite some time since I’ve done anything similar to this and I know I say this almost every time but I do really enjoy the Idea of writing what God places on my heart for those that are interested to read and share with others. 

I have decided to attempt this little blog again and hopefully this time I will keep up with my posts. I’m not going to say that it is going to be easy but I am really hopeful this time. Your prayers and support would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the plan, I will post something on this blog page at least once a week that I feel God share’s with me. So starting later this week there will be something posted for anyone who wants to read it.  This little post does not count ……

God show me what you’d have me write and how you have me write it. Give me the motivation and the support that I will need to do as I feel you are leading me to do, I know that it won’t e easy to remember but I pray that I will. Be my guiding hand showing me each and every time I write what you’d have me share. In Your Name I pray….

Thanks again for visiting "The Gathering Room"
Stand Strong and continue to believe the teachings given to you
(2 Thes. 2:15b NCV),


Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Same God


I have been listing to a CD lately that has been quite encouraging and it made me thing about the scripture...

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)

     It's a beautiful gem and is a reminder to us all that no matter what we go through God will always be the same God he has always been. It is a verse that can give us strength, in the days that we struggle with what life thows us. It can give us hope that God is still as powerful as he was in the days of old. Jesus Christ is always with us and always will be.

     I would like to post the link to the lyrics to one song that has really been speaking to me on the CD that I have been listening to...

     I have to say this is such a powerful song, and can be very encouraging when your facing the struggles life has thrown your way. I know for us it has been a difficult last six months and the first time I heard this song, I was in tears because of the impact it had on me. It reminded me that there will be days when it feels like our faith has is failing. The thing I need to remember is that God has always been near and has heard every word I have prayed to him. There were and still are times when it seems like He hasn't but he has. 

     Everything that life throws us happens for a reason and we while we may never figure it out the reason is there. There will always be a time and a place for every season of our lives good and bad and God truly does know what's best for us even when we don't think he does :-). God's timing is everything in our lives, even when it seems the world is against you.  Keep praying for that breakthrough, it will come.  Take all your fear and doubt and lay it in the palm of HIS hand. 1st Peter states. "Cast all your burdens on him because he cares for you." So just keep holding on and the same God who has been with you from the beginning will lead you through it :-).

     I will be honest it may not be what you want, or what you feel you need but in the end it will be what you need Psalm 37 speaks volumes more to this posting so I encourage you to read it :-) In the mean time "just keep holdin' on."

Thanks again for visiting "The Gathering Room"
Stand Strong and continue to believe the teachings given to you
(2 Thes. 2:15b NCV),
