Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Father Revealed- Our Story: Gods Glory

Greetings yet again, 

I have the time so I wanted to post the next part of my the series Our Story: Gods Glory. The third 'conversation' was entitled "Jesus O Jesus" and as you can probably guess It was all about Jesus.  As I began preparing for this 'conversation' I thought about talking about several different aspects of Jesus but came to the conclusion that I wanted to share about who Jesus was as a man. In the end, I received much more insight into the characteristics of Jesus than I ever thought I would...


As a man, Jesus went through more that we will ever be able to understand.  Just to mention a few... he was arrested, rebuked, beaten, whipped, insulted, scolded, dragged, put on trial, and eventually crucified. I find it hard to imagine going through all of these horrific experiences as Jesus, the man, did. This is the reality that has so often been over looked. In the last 12 hours of his human life every one of the people he loved walked away. Yes, some of them eventually came back but only to watch him die the death of a criminal.  In the end he was completely alone. 

The hardest aspect of the gospel story for me to wrap my mind around has always been these last few moments of his human life.  As he died on the cross every sin, past, present and future that anyone and everyone will ever commit was placed upon his shoulders. In those moments God the Father, whom I imagine wanted nothing more than to be there for his son, couldn't be there. Where sin lies, God the Father cannot…
“Then they (he-Jesus) will cry to the Lord, but he will not answer them (him); he (The Lord) will hide his face from them (him) at that time, because they (mankind) have made their deeds evil.” Micah 3:4 (ESV)
“Your eyes are too pure to approve evil; And You cannot look on wickedness with favor.” Hab. 1:13 (NASB)
Scripture states that if God the Father were to look upon sin HIS light would out shine the darkness and the presence of sin would crumble before HIM. What this means (at least from my perspective) is that If God the Father was to look upon the sins of man that were placed upon Jesus shoulders in those moments, we would not have the freedom in Christ that we have today.  This freedom is what bonds us to the Father. 

John 15:9 (NIV) says “As the Father has loved me, I have loved you, now remain in my love.” There is no clearer example of this love than the moments of the crucifixion. Even though The Father could not be with his son during those moments he revealed this love as the darkness came over the land and as the curtain in the temple tore down the middle. He revealed this love as the rocks split, the earth shook and the tombs broke open. I have often even imagined he revealed this love through his tears as a heavy rain began to fall in the darkness and as the cries of his heart raged through the land as thunder and lightning erupting everywhere. 

This love could not be mistaken for anything else and is the same love that Jesus was offering to us when he shared the words in John 15:9. As I close for now I encourage you, the reader, to think about the Fathers love for Jesus and ask yourself “How can I remain in (or enter into) that love?”…

(“The Father Revealed” is Part 1 of my conversation “Jesus O Jesus” please keep your eyes open for Part 2 in one of my next posts)

Thanks again for visiting "The Gathering Room"

Stand Strong and continue to believe the teachings given to you... (2 Thes. 2:15b NCV),


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