Sunday, October 9, 2011

Revising the Vision

Hey Readers, 

Over the next few weeks I will be posting some of my older devotional blogs, not sure why but I felt I needed to post them all. These postings will not be published again on Facebook, however I will continue to post the new ones when God Brings them to me. I am hoping this will help me keep better track of what God has blessed me with so that eventually I can put all of them into a devotional book for publishing one day.

In light of this, the blog site Enjoying Life Daily: God's Promises Anew will be merged into The Gathering Room and then will be deleted for Good. With it being the first blog I ever created it will take time.  Please feel free to read the old ones and the news ones. There is still a lot we all can learn from these devotional's and I am sure I will even learn some things myself through this process.  In the future I hope to go back to posting a devotional blog on The Gathering Room once a week and to apply some of the new methods I am learning to what I write. With God's blessing it will happen :-)

Hope that this will make it easier for you all to keep up with what God brings me to give to you and look forward to seeking where God takes this little dream of mine in the future.  I have already posted some of my older devotional blogs, they all have the word Reflections in front of the title, to make it easier for you all.

Thanks again for visiting "The Gathering Room"
Stand Strong and continue to believe the teachings given to you
(2 Thes. 2:15b NCV),


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